Images- Wallpapers on Pi
After all, even if I'm not a graphic
designer, I often look for beautiful images involving Pi on the web (I
meant big images, or artistic...) There is no reason that I should be
the only one! But I have to admit that this area is very poor maybe
Here is what I could find and my few trials, excluding the small images
on my site, that I made about two third, and so that you won't find
elsewhere (normally!) Such as the turning-Pi and the Earth on the home
page, as well as the image above.
To avoid "stealing" what is best done with the sites dedicated to Pi in
the world, which won't be right, I had chosen for a few years to offer
tabs of the images, and a click on it would send you on the page where
the image was. Unfortunatly, the web is so dynamic that many links stop
working... I was forced to link directly to the image. The image's
website is of course still indicated if possible. If an author does not
like this sincere arragement, he should contact me.
My little creations
The universe of Pi
format 548*324 (original) Quality :
Very good 120Kb Average 44Kb
format 17" Quality :
Very good 404Kb Average 132Kb
format 15" Quality :
Very good 260Kb Average 84Kb
format 14" Quality :
Very good 192Kb Average 64Kb

Pi in the sky
format 567*325 (original) Quality :
Very good 204Kb Average 28Kb

To Pi or not to Pi ?
format 17" Qualité :
Very good 872Kb Average 144Kb
format 15" Qualité :
Very good 580Kb Average 80Kb

format 17" Quality :
Very good 188Kb Average 44Kb
format 15" Quality :
Very good 168Kb Average 832Kb
If you ever want to adverise me (one can dream), I have a small banner
that you can install (reduce, rework...):

In format 460*80 :

You can visit the page on the mathematal journal of
the University of Alberta in Canada Pi in the Sky from which certain
image that follows are taken from




52Kb (taken from an idea by Eve

On other Web pages:
Finnally, different banners :
A personal creation :

A nice banner for Ramanujan's glory, that we can easily make on http://www.cooltext.com

This page is only at is beginning and will grow I hope as the years go
on during my lost moments or my research on the web.
I say it agan, so that you are sur, don't hesitate to send me even
large images, no problems (even 10Mb).
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